Tag: Franck Sorbier

  • Talking about love. For a French it is as natural as eating a croissant in the morning and drinking a burgundy red in the evenings. Not yet born on the earth a nation surpassing the Gaul in the art of seduction, flirt and refined boudoir games, which are able to awaken the most sensual emotions…

  • A melancholic romantic, “the last of the Mohicans” of haute couture, who considers it inseparable from the other arts, be it theater or classical ballet, Franck Sorbier told us in the interview that the starting point for the creation of a collection can be, for example, an excerpt of the poem, noticed in a subway,…

  • Franck Sorbier

    Couture dresses shine on red carpets in Cannes and the next haute couture season is just around the corner: a perfect time to talk to a very unique designer about the past and future of the haute couture and the ways to maintain its traditional exclusivity and independence. What role plays Sorbier Endowment Fund (Fond…

  • The line between fashion and art in the ethereal world of haute couture is thin. Franck Sorbier, whose “défilés” (if that word applies to the performances of the designer) were always distinguished by a special creativity, this time made from the presentation of his spring-summer collection a real spectacle. Sorbier guests gathered in the vaults…