The Haute Couture News’s beauty editor Kate Boss has published a book “Kinesio Taping” where the author reveals holistic secrets of taking care of your mind, face, and soul to preserve and enhance our natural beauty.
Kate, fashion editor, and Tatiana, editor-in-chief sit together to find out how challenging it was to write a book, what the holistic approach to self-care is, and if the fashion industry is ready to embrace natural beauty and ageing.
How much time did it take you to write and publish the book?
The idea of writing a book appeared in 2019, during the pandemic, when everyone was locked at home, I began to look for unfulfilled childhood dreams and remembered that one of them was writing a book. I met with a friend in a Parisian cafe and decided that there was no need to wait any longer, why it was time to make my wish come true. I was so eager to share my idea with the publisher that three hours later I was already sitting in the office of the publishing house at Champs Elysee. Inspired by my experience of holistic techniques of rejuvenating, I told everything I was going to write about with great inspiration and optimism. At this moment, all ideas were stored only in my head. Upon leaving the office, I had a signed contract and 1 year to write a book.
The entire book was written in a condition of inspiration. If you count how many days I wrote it then everything can be concentrated in 29 days.
Do you think that a holistic method of rejuvenation would be enough for someone who is turning 40?
Holistic rejuvenation is holistic work on the entire body. Each person is an individual. Depending on your lifestyle, the program will differ in its practices. Yes – even at 40 the holistic method of rejuvenation can be enough.
What lies at the core of the holistic method?
As the ancient Chinese conveyed, you should not treat the symptoms, you should treat the causes. A holistic approach involves a whole range of measures to care for the body as a whole. This technique takes into account not only therapeutic indicators but also the psychological state.
Health, and therefore youth and beauty, depend on internal processes and psychological state, therefore, a holistic approach includes massage treatments, kinesio taping, adaptation therapy, psychological techniques, breathing practices, and of course proper nutrition.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to write a book but doesn’t know where to start?
• Start writing a book with a short description of the contents. It will be your visual map.
• Write a synopsis. It should be a maximum of 1500 to 2000 words, excluding appendices. You should give an overview of the main points or ideas.
• Decide how many pages your book will have. So you can calculate approximately how many pages each article should be.
• Set yourself a goal for a year or two. Select the date by which the book should be completed. This will motivate you to achieve results.
• Propose your book to the different editors.
Remember: We are all artists at our core. If you want to write a book, just sit down and start writing it. Perfectionism hinders progress. Let your experience and inspiration be your guide. Don’t be afraid of condemnation, don’t wonder who needs it. Your soul needs this first and foremost and this is the most important thing. So go ahead.
Fashion and ageing. How to stay in vogue in the industry which still mostly promotes and glorifies an eternal youth?
To glorify the eternal youth for me is an old story.
Fashion has an impact on every group of people. However, every new younger generation keeps setting some next-level benchmarks as a society. Today we see more and more models of different ages, nationalities, and sizes to work in the fashion industry. They promote clean beauty, free face makeup, body positivity, and self-acceptance, – for me, it is a Green light for a new philosophy.
We do not have any more tabou to have wrinkles. In my opinion, the Fashion industry has begun to accept the flaws of our bodies. At the same moment, we must take care of our lifestyle. And I see that the fashion industry more and more is turning towards natural ways of rejuvenation.
At what age should a person start thinking of taking care of her/his skin?
I suggest starting to take care of your skin from adolescence, 12 – 14 years, or even earlier when a teenager’s hormonal system is just developing.
What are the target readers of your book? What are their age, gender, and social status?
This book was written for everyone who wants to learn how to translate their facial signs – all genders and all social states are WELCOME. You should just be curious and allocate 15 minutes of your time to practice.
If we speak about age, we have been at the peak of our form at 25 and after this age, our skin begins to fade. So we can start to use a facial kinesio tape 1 time during the week for the drainage effect.
Our face is a map of our inner world. Additionally, on the page of this book, you will see not just kinesio taping applications but you can get acquainted with various holistic practices like breath work, affirmations, meditation, my favorite nutrition for beautiful skin, and detailed illustrations from Chinese reflexology, where we will get oriented with the projection of internal organs on our face.
Kinesio taping can be used for getting: lifting, drainage, and therapeutic effects.
You can discover a diagram of the lymphatic system and learn how to use a facial kinesio-taping lymphatic drainage application. Using this technique, you can bring your face to the desired tone, « sculpt » contours, restore the protective functions of the skin, and also get rid of swelling.
How can we age stylishly?
To age stylishly you need to either follow trends or become the creator of trends.
I choose the way to be my creator of the stylish life.
– How much time do you spend daily on your beauty routine?
I spend 20 min to 60 min daily. It depends on my spiritual state. I listen to my body and depending on the request I can change my organisation.
Sample program includes :
1. Five minutes meditation after opening my eyes before waking up of my bad. I need to start my day with intention. During the COVID time, I discovered a wonderful collaboration between Deepak Chopra and Alicia Keys. They released the New 21-Day Meditation Expérience, Activating the Divine Feminine: The Path to Wholeness. Each day you can start with a special audio experience that serves as a reawakening of feminine power, restores wholeness, and creates more joyful and fulfilling lives. With pleasure, I give you a link to
2. Take a glass of hot water with the lemon or Aloe vera jus.
3. Three minutes of face massage «reflexologie 12 mouvements technique». A wonderful way of Chinese medicine to awaken your face and body. You can find a detailed description of the technique in my book « KINESIO TAPING» on pages 28-32.
4. Five minutes of Facial application of kinesio taping. You can find all the details about different applications in my book at 52pg. I keep the morning application for about 30 minutes. While I’m doing housework. This is enough to get the effect.
5. Fifteen minutes of Yoga practice with online courses of «BOHO BEAUTIFUL».
6. Two minutes of contrasted shower – Cold and hot water.
7. Take off my Kinesio taping application. Applied my daily cream maybe make up or still «FREE OF MAKE UP».
For me, it is very important to take care of others to be in harmony with myself and start each day with the intention of my soul and body.
As a beauty editor of HCN and makeup artist you often assist the backstage of the fashion week shows and events, what are the beauty secrets of world makeup artists for making models look fresh and sound even after several exhausting sleepless nights and jet lags?
It is a real privilege to work as a beauty editor and make-up artist at the fashion week.
I want to be honest with our readers. The credit for a fresh look of models primarily goes to the models themselves. They constantly work on their rhythm of sleep, diet, skin care products, and fitness. Modelling business requires a serious and sometimes exhausting lifestyle. They have very strict discipline. But of course, we like to make artists and facialists who can help our models look more fresh and glossy.
I will give you some of our secrets but not all :
– Physical or psychological stress is immediately reflected on the skin. Therefore, I advise you to maintain gruelling work days with OMEGA, ASHWAGANDA, MAGNESIUM, and Chlorella dietary supplements. Better if you consult your micronutritionist.
– Massage the face. Thanks to the facial techniques we activate blood microcirculation and our skin becomes healthier.
– If after jet lag your face is swollen, I suggest realizing a facial kinesio tape application. You can find detailed information in my book « Kinesio Taping, la methode pour rajeunir son visage naturellement ».
What would be the main message of your book?
Our body is a whole planet where everything is interconnected. When we talk about knowing the world, I would start with knowing ourselves. In my book, various well-being techniques will help you maintain youth and also understand how to help yourself in everyday life. You will learn to breathe, concentrate, get familiarized with the techniques of Chinese medicine, and, of course, learn to use the kinesio taping technique for the face for rejuvenation or healing. This book was written based on inspirations from many years of study in different countries and practice with people of different ages. For me, this book is a first aid kit. Thanks to the knowledge that I decided to share with the French reader, we now have a doctor of alternative medicine in our pocket. It was important for me to convey to the reader that all the power lies in ourselves. Where is our attention, there is our energy. If a person can make himself sick, then he can also gain health. Take this book like a dictionary.
Photo Credit: Elena Eremina