Solidified musical streams penetrate consciousness and fall on tulle in smoky overtones in the haute couture collection of Maria Grazia Cliuri and Pierpaolo Piccioli – designers of the famous fashion house Valentino. Sheer dresses from satin, tulle and lace are enriched with feathers and embroidery. Imperceptible hours of work turned a fabric into a work of art. On heavier cashmere placed already familiar images of wild animals and plants.
Sophisticated gold thread embroidery, appliqué, lace, flowing crepe and silk of soft shades, voluminous tassels.
Well known biblical characters Adam, Eve and the Serpent also found their place on dresses from Valentino.
And the hit of the season – butterflies! Decorative creatures adorn coats and dresses, literally living in the fabric … Even on the walls of the presentation hall “flutter” those creatures of nature.
Photo credits: Valentino