An extraterrestrial nightclub, created under the arches of Grand Palais, served as decor for the traditional show of Chanel, which critics named ‘haute couture en baskets’ (high fashion in sneakers). Karl Lagerfeld, ‘rejuvenating’ with each new season, has created a collection for a girl who, after leaving the red carpet and taking off high heels, puts on sneakers and goes to a disco. Dressing up his heroine in a corset, which the designer prefers to associate with a motorcycle belt, transforming the classic tweed jacket in a bolero and costume in a bustier dress with a trompe l’oeil effect with an expanded line of the hip, used to further emphasize a slim waist, Lagerfeld flirts with traditional fashion codes of the House, whose founder, Coco Chanel, a century earlier relieved ladies from uncomfortable corsets’, creating free straight cut dresses.
Photo credits: CHANEL