The new haute couture collection of On Aura Tout Vu, called “Cosmic Beetle”, this time was dedicated to the world of insects, for centuries admired by the human eye. Surrounded in mystery, inhabiting sacred worlds, these creatures do not cease to amaze us with their radiance, subtlety and clarity! Tired wandering alone, they are happy to come together and intertwine in textile: muslin, satin, organza…
Once again Yassen Samouilov and Livia Stoyanova spared no color. Known for their imagination and extravagance, they presented us with the world of insects à la haute couture.
In the collection there are trench coats, tuxedos, suits of transparent plastic reminding insect wings. Tutu skirts, leather bustier, gloves, embroidered with sequins and real scarab wings. In total there were almost 11,000 scarab wings from Thailand used in the collection. One of the outfits was completely embroidered with these pearl, blue and green “fingernails”, creating the impression of a veritable bug shell.
Blacks, gradually fading into bright colors, drawings of insects, lace prints – all that was very beetle-like.
The bride’s dress was striking: with two huge scarabs on the chest – very much in the style of the kingdom of insects.
Photo Credits: On Aura Tout Vu