The new fall-winter collection show of Parisian couturier Stephane Rolland, which took place at the prestigious Tennis Club in the sixteenth arrondissement, recalled more a theatrical production, rather than a defile. It was accompanied by a performance of the famous Spanish choreographer Rafael Amargo, who ignited the podium with flamenco in its modern version. From…
As we know, the art has no limits, and the dream of every designer is to be accepted as an artist. The presentation of the talented designer Alexis Mabille that took place at Hotel d’Evreux at the Place Vendome looked more like an art vernissage, rather than a defile. The hall decorated with beautiful bouquets…
One of the most enjoyable experiences of the fall-winter season was the collection of a young French designer Julien Fournié. Invited member of the Paris haute couture syndicate, Julien Fournié worked for such houses as Céline, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Torrente and Dior, before establishing in 2009 his own brand. His previous collection “First Genes” received a high praise…
A very lively atmosphere filled the Cambon Capucine pavilion before the presentation. In subdued red spotlight, the actress Ornella Muti in a long black dress by Ulyana Sergeenko gave interview to a Japanese TV channel. Nearby, in the front row, Anna Dello Russo awaited the beginning of the show. Natalia Vodyanova posed for society columns…